Welcome to the Bloomfield Hills High School Counseling Center!
At the Bloomfield Hills High School Counseling Center, we are dedicated to supporting your academic, personal, and emotional growth throughout your high school journey. Our team of experienced counselors is here to provide guidance, resources, and a listening ear to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way.
Whether you're seeking assistance with course selection, college and career planning, or managing the ups and downs of daily life, we're here to help you thrive. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions, set meaningful goals, and develop the skills you need to succeed in school and beyond.
We understand that each student is unique, and we are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where you can feel comfortable expressing yourself and pursuing your aspirations.
Feel free to reach out to our dedicated team of counselors at any time.
Math Lab
BHHS will be offering our after-school tutoring program starting September 25.
Tutoring will take place Monday-Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 in the Knowledge Market - KM104.
No appointment is necessary
Your Counseling Team
Brian Fitzgerald
A-C (9th, 10th, 11th); A (12th)
Jim Fogle
D-H (9th); D-G (10th, 11th, 12th); C (12th)
Laura Hollyer
H-K (10-12th)
Shayna Klein
I-Mi (9th); L-O (10-12th); B (12th)
Melanie Brooks
Mj-Sa (9th); P-Si (10-12th)
Tony Midea
Sb-Z(9th); Sj-Z (10-12th)
Lou Ann Frantz
Career Resource Center Coordinator
Marianne Litz
Counseling Secretary
Elizabeth Allen
Records Secretary
CEEB School Code